The total amount of my order is always €0
The product price can either be a number or a phrase, such as "Price is negotiable". A currency sign is added automatically. Don't include a currency symbol: simply enter a numeric value if you want the total amount to be calculated at the checkout.
OK: 4.99 or 1.50 or 250
Not OK: €4.99 or 25 dollar
Prices with decimal numbers are displayed in your shop with 2 decimals separated by a comma. Thousands are separated by a space.
A frequently asked question to our support is "why is the price of a product in my shopping cart not calculated correctly?". The answer is: the price is not numerically entered or you have added a currency symbol.
- Introduction
- Product management
- Online store configuration
- Account and shop settings
- Payment methods and Payment Service Providers
- Invoices and Terms & Conditions
- Setting shipping costs
- Discounts and surcharges
- Registering and transferring domain names
- Multilingual shop
- Connecting to external platforms
- Personalized web addresses
- Managing multiple webshops (Multishop)
- Automatic emails to customers
- Designing a beautiful layout
- Order management
- Marketing
- Modules
- Backups and exporting data
- Email and web mail
- Administrator accounts
- High quality photos
- Two-factor authentication
- Labels
- META tags - Website verification
- Live chat
- Slideshow
- Visitor analysis - Google Analytics
- Filters
- Point Of Sale (POS)
- Form fields
- Digital or virtual products
- Symcalia reservation system
- Guestbook
- Contacting the helpdesk