Account overview

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After logging in, you are welcomed by the Dashboard page. The dashboard provides a brief overview of the status of your online store. The top navigation bar will now show the different sections.

Your account

This section provides an overview of your account. Visitors analytics and order statistics can also be found here.
In this important part, you can manage your categories and products. You can also customize or create your web pages. And you will also find customer and order management here.
In this section you can find everything for the marketing of your online store and search engine optimization.
Here you can manage the layout and the settings of your shop. Adding payment methods and shipping costs can also be done here.
In this section you can find the documentation, frequently asked questions, information about our company and how to contact us.

Please have a look at our documentation and the frequently asked questions before you ask a technical question. Your question will most likely already be asked before and you will get an answer much faster. Don't worry to contact us if something is not clear! We are happy to help you and your feedback improves our platform.

The documentation is updated regularly and is an important tool to make your online store successful. We put a lot of effort to document everything in a non technical way. The next chapters are about organizing your shop into categories and adding products.

Changing the language, currency and dark/light mode

At the top right corner you can change the language, the currency and switch to dark (night) mode.

Please note that by changing the language, some fields such as category and product names may not be filled out in this language. Set the interface language in the same language as the main language of your online store.

To switch back to light (day) mode, click again on the icon.

Logging out

You can log out by clicking Log out in the Dashboard menu or by clicking Log out at the bottom of the page.

Next page: Product management

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