Appendix 2: application limits

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EasyWebshop offers a powerful platform with high application limits. If you use our software for small to midsize webshops, there is more than enough capacity to operate and to grow your business. Most of our customers never notice the limits.

As we are a shared platform, we need to put limits on the application to avoid that a few people use up all the resources. If you need higher limits than our application offers, it's recommended to use dedicated servers for your webshop.

General limits
Web storage5GBThis is more than sufficient as images get compressed.
File upload25MBPer file or photo.
Mailboxes10 mailboxes
Mailbox storageBasic/Professional: 1GB
Business: 10GB
Basic/Professional: 1 mailbox of 1GB
Business: 1 mailbox of 10GB or 10 mailboxes of 1GB
Mail forwards100 mail forwards
Email attachments10MBPer email, for sending and receiving.
Domain names100 domain names
Languages20 languagesTranslated by native speakers.
Currencies168 currencies
Products and Categories
Products250,000 productsYes, that's two hundred fifty thousand!
Categories and subcategories500 categoriesDon't use too many categories: it makes the webshop difficult to navigate, specially on mobile devices.
Products per category250,000 products
Categories per product5 categories
Levels of subcategories5 levels deep
Product filters20 filters per category, each with 40 options
Product parameters (personalization)100 parameters
Similar products100 products
Product variations100 variations
Bulk update products10,000 products / updateProduct variations count as products.
Bulk update products50,000 products / 24hProduct variations count as products.
Administrator accounts100 administratorsPlease note that more administrators induce a higher security risk. Only allow people you trust to log into your webshop.
Multishop10,000 webshops
Instant notifications100 contacts
Blog items10,000 itemsPer language.
CMS pages100 pagesPer language.
Levels of CMS pages3 levels deepMore levels can be added by manually inserting hyperlinks.
Customer groups30 groups
Discount rules (advised)3 rulesWith more than 3 discount rules and conditions, it becomes very difficult to untangle what happens to orders when discounts get combined. Support is limited to 3 discount rules + conditions.
Discount rules (effective)30 rules
Conditions per discount rule3 conditions
Invoices1,000,000,000 invoicesMore invoices are possible but the invoice number will have to be reset.
Newsletters4 newslettersPer month and per language.
Newsletter recipients10.000 recipientsPlease use a dedicated newsletter platform if you want to send more newsletters.
Shipping rules1,000 rules
Slideshows25 slideshowsMultiple slideshows per page are possible.
Slides25 slidesPer slideshow and per language.
Custom web addresses50 charactersIt is recommended to keep an URL below 75 characters, including "https://www" and your domain name. There is no limit for the number of URLs for pages, categories and products.
Importing and Exporting
Importing products and categories1,000 products and 500 categoriesPer import. Importing can be done in multiple batches.
Exporting products, categories, pages and orders1,000 itemsPer export. Exporting more than 1,000 items can crash a web browser if too much information is presented at once. Exporting can be done in batches.
Maximum records per query1,000 records
API queries per 24h48 queriesAvoid polling.
Input fields length in management interface
Product code50 charactersInvoice layout gets disrupted if product codes are too long.
Product name255 characters
Product description50,000 characters
CMS page content50,000 characters
CMS navigation item30 charactersLong navigation items tend to disrupt the layout on small screens. Keep them as short as possible. Use the title for longer descriptions.
CMS title255 charactersKeep titles below 70 characters if you don't want search engines to truncate them.
CMS (META) description255 charactersKeep descriptions around 150-160 characters for optimal display in search engines.
Input fields length in checkout
First name100 characters
Last name100 characters
Company name100 characters
Vat number50 charactersEuropean VAT numbers get verified in the VIES database.
Adress street100 characters
Address house no10 charactersNot obligated: in some places house numbers don't exist.
Address city100 characters
Address zipcode20 charactersNot obligated: not every country uses zipcodes.
Address province100 charactersOnly applicable to certain countries.
Email address255 charactersOnly valid e-mail addresses are allowed.
Phone number50 charactersAllowed input: 0-9, -, ., (, ) , +
Order comment1,500 charactersNot obligated.

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