Insert images, PDF files, videos and other objects

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CMS ICONThe following objects can be inserted in your CMS pages and in your product descriptions.

Please read the previous section carefully so that you are familiar with the operation of the CMS.

Photos, images and logos

UploadClick on the upload icon to insert an image.

  • A popup is displayed, click Browse to select an image on your computer
  • Click Upload
  • Now click on the image in the list to insert it
  • Add a description (ALT-text) to the image in the popup that is showed

Big images (> 200Kb) will make your website considerably slower.Small images load much faster. After the upload you can shrink the image using the image editor.

Animated GIFs

Animated GIFWhen uploading an image to our servers, the image will be checked for errors and be resized for optimal display on the web. Unfortunately this procedure breaks GIF animations.

There is a solution: you can upload the GIF animations to an external server or image hosting, for example ImageShack. After uploading you can copy and paste the HTML code. (see description below about inserting HTML codes)

Inserting a banner, button or call to action

  • Click Insert > Banner

Optionally, you can select to open a new browser window when your visitor clicks on the banner.

Uploading a PDF file or catalog

PDF LogoUploadClick the upload icon to insert a PDF file or catalog.

  • A popup appears, click Browse to select the file on your computer
  • Click Upload to upload the file to the server
  • Now select the file in the list and click Insert to insert it in the editor

It is not allowed to upload illegal software or infected files. When abuse is detected, your shop will be deactivated immediately.

Inserting a Facebook "Like Button" or social plugin

Social network

  • Click Insert and choose the desired social plugin

Inserting an MP3 file

AudioYou can insert MP3 or OGG files, for example in your product descriptions. It is not allowed to upload illegal files, infected files or files that are protected by a copyright.

  • Click Insert and choose MP3/OGG

Inserting a video or movie

VideoThe easiest way is to upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo.

  • Click Insert and choose YouTube video
  • Enter the URL (copy from address bar) of your YouTube video

Inserting a print button


  • Click Insert and choose Print

Inserting a map with self-chosen POI

WorldYou can insert a personalized map with points of interests. (POIs)

  • A map with locations for pickup points
  • A map with locations of your stores

A map is automatically inserted on your info page when the Display company info or personal data on the website is active at shop settings. You do not need to follow these steps if this map is sufficient for you.

CMS insert

Inserting a web form

XML-HTMLOn the contact page there is a web form with spam protection. Messages sent with this form will be sent to your email address.

You can also use parameters and form fields.

For additional web forms you can use these websites:

Inserting a forum

Forum EasyWebshop is shopping cart software. By default there is no forum included. If you want one, you can create the forum externally. You can then create a hyperlink to the forum or integrate the forum using an iframe.

For a free forum:

Inserting a blog and RSS feed

Inserting a chatbox or shoutbox

Chat or shoutUse our live chat for this.

Inserting a photo gallery

Photo galleryThere is no photo gallery in our shopping cart software available.

  • You can use the slideshow for this
  • You can fill a page with products without price and purchase button, and use this as a photo gallery
  • Or you can insert an external photo gallery script on a new page

Inserting a border

If you want to place a border around a text, click Insert > Border.

You can set the border size, the color and the background color.

Inserting an additional visitor counter

AnalyticsEasyWebshop has the Easy Analytics application that you can find at Dashboard > Visitor analysis.

You can also install an additional visitor counter.

Inserting background music

AudioWe don't recommend using background music. A lot of your visitors will be irritated by background music that starts automatically. It is even one of the "Bad design practices" for websites.

For this reason it is not included in our software. However, it is possible and quite easy. Search for "music on website" in your favorite search engine for a tutorial.

Inserting a live webcam

WebcamEasyWebshop has no built-in webcam module. You need external software and web hosting for this. Live streaming is not so easy, we advise you to contact a specialist for this.

Inserting a HTML code

XML - HTMLYou can always insert HTML code in CMS. Click the Edit HTML icon or Insert > Edit HTML. Then paste the code into the desired location.

Next page: Editing images and applying watermarks

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