The software is too complicated for me, what can I do?
Our top priority is to keep our application as easy as possible, hence our name EasyWebshop. We are convinced that EasyWebshop is a lot user friendlier than similar software.
EasyWebshop has however a lot more features than most other platforms. It can be difficult for beginners to find their way in the many features.
These tips will help you starting your webshop:
- Learn at your own pace and allow yourself enough time to try everything. You can not learn everything in one day.
- Start with the Beginner user experience level at shop configuration.
- Experiment with the Free version. You can always delete your webshop and start over again.
- Have a look at the documentation, this describes our software step by step.
- Can't find it out on your own? Feel free to contact us. We are here to help!
- Introduction
- Product management
- Online store configuration
- Account and shop settings
- Payment methods and Payment Service Providers
- Invoices and Terms & Conditions
- Setting shipping costs
- Discounts and surcharges
- Registering and transferring domain names
- Multilingual shop
- Connecting to external platforms
- Personalized web addresses
- Managing multiple webshops (Multishop)
- Automatic emails to customers
- Designing a beautiful layout
- Order management
- Marketing
- Modules
- Backups and exporting data
- Email and web mail
- Administrator accounts
- High quality photos
- Two-factor authentication
- Labels
- META tags - Website verification
- Live chat
- Slideshow
- Visitor analysis - Google Analytics
- Filters
- Point Of Sale (POS)
- Form fields
- Digital or virtual products
- Symcalia reservation system
- Guestbook
- Contacting the helpdesk