Notice: increase in domain name fraud

2 July 2018, 10:00

We recently received a lot of reports from our customers about a high increase in domain name fraud.

Some internet businesses use questionable marketing techniques. Our customers who are in possession of a .com or .eu domain name are being contacted to register an additional domain name extension. Some of the arguments used if you do not purchase is loss in reputation and sales.

In the case you receive such an email, you can simply ignore it. You are not legally obligated to register additional domain names, especially not for a period of 10 years.

If you want to register an extra domain name, you can do so via Settings > Domain names > New domain name.

Domain namesDocumentation

Are you in doubt after receiving a letter, call, or email about your domain name or webshop? Fraudsters are becoming more inventive in their operations and communication: it's not always easy to distinguish them from legitimate communication.

In case of any doubts, you can always contact us via a Support ticket. Attach a copy of the email, so that we can further investigate. Thanks!

Support ticketSecurity tips

Summer tips

The summer months are ahead of us: holidays, cozy terraces and warm summer evenings are waiting for us. Many online retailers take a vacation to relax. You probably also.

If you don't process orders temporarily, mention this in your online shop, on the order pages and in the order emails. We discourage you to close the shop: this has a negative influence on search results.

Don't forget to renew your shop in time if you're going on holidays: we automatically send reminders 30 days before the expiration date. At Dashboard > My online shops you can find the number of remaining days.

And for those who can't resist to log on from their holiday destination: EasyWebshop is mobile friendly which allows you to manage your shop on a tablet or phone.


The GDPR update has been successfully completed: almost all webshops are now in compliance with the new privacy legislation.

The update we are currently focusing on is the new POS (Point Of Sale). As usual, you can follow everything on the update list.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for the new POS!

Update listSupport ticket


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