I notice a lot of false visitors in Easy Analytics

Visitor analysisThe internet is not as safe as we would like. About 50% of all web traffic comes from robots and not from humans. Much of this traffic is derived from criminal and malicious activity.

Sometimes you will see a large percentage of visitors from countries like China, Pakistan, etc. Their goal is to extract information from the website and place advertisements (spam) wherever possible. The people behind these activities use these countries as a detour to keep their real location secret. They are not necessarily based in those countries.

We are committed to filter this kind of traffic as much as possible. Unfortunately, every day new robots arise. Many robots behave as humanly as possible. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to combat this efficiently.

Blocking IP addresses is useless: hundreds of new IP addresses are used every day by spambots. Mostly they use IP addresses from infected computers. If we block these IP addresses, then we also block legitimate visitors.

The only way to efficiently fight spam on the internet is by addressing the source:

  • Secure your computer against viruses that use your computer as a spambot (slow computer? big chance it has a second job as spam soldier)
  • Do not open spam messages, this way you take way the reason for spam to exist
  • Pass it on, we can only fight spam if everyone does the simple things above

Some tips

  • Web statistics are never 100% correct. You will see differences between several analytics applications.
  • Do not visit the links of websites where your visitors come from if you are not sure if the origin is safe. There may be websites infected with viruses.
  • Did you receive an unwanted message in the guestbook? Please report this to us.
  • If not needed, deactivate your guestbook and remove it from CMS.
  • Never place an e-mail address on your website. It will receive spam. There is no way to undo this once an e-mail address is found by a spammer.

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