How do I change the font, font size and text color?

Webshop layoutAt Settings > Layout > Font you can set the default font for your website.


Text colors

You can change the text colors at Settings > Layout > Designer. There are several options: the general color palette, color of the titles, color of the links and color of the texts and text backgrounds.

A question we regularly receive at our support is why the texts have disappeared from the webshop. This is because the text color and the background color are set to the same (or approximately the same) color.

Font size

The font size we use on our webshops is the standard size 1em. We recommend keeping it this way: it is the perfect balance between good readability and not too big for small screens like smartphones.

It is a good design principle to let your visitors determine the font size themselves. Since the sight is different from person to person, this setting is different for each person. You can zoom with the zoom function in your web browser. You can zoom in with CTRL and +, you can zoom out with CTRL and -. You can also hold down the CTRL key and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom. Use CTRL + 0 to restore the default size.

If you still want to change the font size, use the codes at the bottom of this page.

Set text size and fonts per page

If you use different fonts and font sizes, you will make it difficult for the visitor to set an appropriate and readable text size. We therefore recommend that you set the font once in Settings > Layout > Font and leave the text size on default.

If you still want to use separate fonts and font sizes on a page or with a product, you can change this with the text editor.

  • Click the Insert icon and choose Insert HTML.
  • You can copy and paste the code below where you want the paragraph.

Explanation of the code:

The p tag stands for Paragraph. The codes must be written in lower case. The style property adds style code (CSS) to the paragraph. font-family sets the font. font-size sets the text size.

Note: not all computers support all fonts. There are major differences between Windows, Mac and Linux. You can therefore define multiple fonts: if the first font is not found, the following is used.

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