High quality product photos update

11 August 2024, 14:00

We are excited to announce our latest update: category and product photos are now of higher quality and product lists can be customized even more to represent your products.

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Higher resolution

When EasyWebshop was launched in 2009, we were the first provider of mobile friendly webshops. Back then, smartphones had small screens and slow internet connections. Therefore, photos were compressed and optimized for fast loading times.

By 2015, all our websites became responsive and photo sizes were increased to balance image quality and load times.

Fast forward to 2024, smartphones are more powerful and internet connections are much faster. We can now offer high quality photos while preserving ease of use and fast load times.

How will this affect me?

For most of our users, everything stays the same. We try to interfere as little as possible with existing layouts, as our users are generally happy with their design. Newly uploaded category photos will have a higher resolution. Product lists stay the same, but newly uploaded product photos will have a higher resolution when clicked.

As you are used to with EasyWebshop, load times stay blazing fast!

High quality photos

If you want bigger photos for your category and product lists, you can activate High quality photos. The screen captures below show the differences.

Example without high quality photos

Example with high quality photos

Feel free to experiment and decide for yourself how to represent your products. This new feature is available for all our users regardless of the version and can be tested in the Free version.

High quality photos

We hope this update is useful to you and helps to make your website even better for your visitors. Need inspiration? Take a look at our examples page.

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